In quelle trine morbide
Questo abito è stato realizzato utilizzando le texture di merletti della Collezione Arnaldo Caprai esposta a Roma al museo napoleonico. In occasione della mostra "in quelle trine morbide" 27 stilisti di Second Life sono stati invitati a realizzare degli abiti utilizzando questi bellissimi merletti.Il mio l'ho dedicato a due personaggi...mia nonna Giulia e la sua cugina Gilda Dalla Rizza, che nei primi decenni del '900 fu la soprano preferita di Giacomo Puccini.Mia nonna accompagnò Gilda durante tutte le turnee nei maggiori teatri in europa e nelle due americhe.Chissà che begli abiti indossavano...
This suit has been realized with textures coming from the Show "In those soft laces - old and precious laces from the collection Arnaldo Caprai" in progress up to March 29 th 2009 in the Napoleonic Museum in Rome.
RispondiEliminaOn the occasion of the installation to Experience Italy that it creatively extends the show in the Metaverso, a "event in the event" has involved 27 Italian Designers of SecondLife.
Every designer received 9 original textures from the precious collection and with these ones the involved designers manufactured a special actual modern dress demonstrating that the preciousity of the extraordinaire laces in the show are pretty actually and very trendy also now!
The event, taken care of from Marina Bellini (Mexi Lane) responsible of the project Museums 2.0 for the Department and Assessorate of the Culture of Rome in collaboration with Zètema and Value Italy Foundation (Experience Italy), he has taken place January 6 th 2009 in the land of Experience italy.
Was an unforgettable fashion show where past and present was melted in a symphony of beautiness and incredible talented designs.